I cut out the beginning part, because it kind of started out weird. I had the mama sheep/lamb, penned off to the left. Fizz would go look at them, and look at the group, and just would not do anything. She kept going back to the mom/lamb, even if I was able to get her to engage the group. So I finally just put them all together, and she was happy to go right to work. She is quite intrigued with the lamb, and thinks he needs a thorough sniffing. I was also interested to note that mama sheep didn't once try to stand off with Fizz, and that's the main reason I had her separated. I didn't want Fizz to get butted or stomped. I'm pleased with her sense of group, body posture/tail, and her distance from the stock. I left in a lot of the little booboos, including where I got in the middle of the group and had a sheep nose between my legs for a second. Trying to maneuver sheep, and watch a puppy isn't always easy.
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